讲座:The Elephant and Donkey in the Room: Political Dissimilarity at Work During Elections 发布时间:2024-07-04

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题 目:The Elephant and Donkey in the Room: Political Dissimilarity at Work During Elections

嘉 宾:Peter A. Bamberger, Professor, Tel Aviv University

主 持:李欣欣, 副教授, tyc1286太阳成集团

时 间:2024年07月19日(周五)10:00-11:30

地 点:tyc1286太阳成集团 徐汇校区安泰楼A305室



Dissimilarity research has paid little attention to the consequences of political dissimilarity in the workplace. This oversight seems surprising, given the polarized political landscapes in many Western societies that may significantly alter organizational behavior. We draw on the social identity approach and cognitive theories of threat processing to understand how an individual’s political dissimilarity from co-workers dynamically affects perceptions of work relationships and behavior in an election period. In Study 1, we conducted an experience sampling field study on 147 employees during the 2020 United States presidential election and found that an individual’s political dissimilarity had no significant impact on the negative interpersonal interactions before the election day. However, the effect became significant on election day and remained present for the observed post-election period of six days. In Study 2, we conducted a between-person online simulation-based experiment with 489 participants that leveraged the 2022 United States midterm elections as an election treatment. Our findings demonstrate an indirect effect of political dissimilarity on negative interpersonal interaction through reduced social mindfulness in the election phase but not in the pre-election phase. Our findings reveal political orientation as a critical but underexplored dimension of workplace dissimilarity that, while perhaps generally more benign, becomes salient with macro-political events.



Peter A. Bamberger is the Domberger Professor of Management at the Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University, Isreal. His research examines compensation strategy, interpersonal behavior in teams, and employee wellbeing. Author of several books including Human Resource Strategy, Mutual Aid and Union Renewal, and Exposing Pay, Bamberger has published over 100 referred journal articles. An elected Fellow of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology and the Academy of Management, he served as an associate editor of Academy of Management Journal, and founding associate editor and then editor-in-chief of Academy of Management Discoveries. He will assume the presidency of the Academy of Management in August.

