Dean's Message
CHEN Fangruo
Professor Dean of the Antai College of Economics & Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
With the joint efforts of generations of SJTU/Antai people, our college has achieved a significant development. We now firmly rank among the very top Chinese business schools. We have received all the important international accreditations and have achieved excellent performance in many international and domestic assessments and rankings. We are also known to be a center of excellence for talent development, and an Antai diploma is much sought after by students. The competitiveness of the Antai brand has laid the foundation for further development.
We have embarked on the next phase of development, the journey to the top. The center of our strategy is to promote industry research. The future Antai will have not only academic field experts but also industry experts. We will also modify the current system of performance evaluation, to reward contributions to academic fields as well as industries. In this “full spectrum” value system, every faculty member can choose a direction that fits his/her interests and abilities and realizes their potential. We will establish an Institute of Industry Research, to create an environment where industry research can truly thrive. Ultimately, we hope to create a new model for business schools where the connection between theory and practice is both natural and powerful.
Antai will follow the guiding principle: Grounded in China’s management practice; Promote social and economic development; Advance the world’s management theory. By making our value system more inclusive, we hope to create an academic institution where business impact, academic research and teaching can reinforce each other and be improved simultaneously. This reinforcing cycle will ultimately push Antai to become a world-class business school.
The journey to the top won’t be easy. We hope that every ambitious SJTU/Antai person will join our reform effort. Together we will advance the enterprise of China’s management education and, in the process, shape a better future for Antai.