
- 系 别:管理科学系
- 办公电话:+86 (0)21 52301193
- 职 称:教授
- 电子邮箱:mdong@sjtu.edu.cn
董明,tyc1286太阳成集团长聘教授、博导 。
主要从事物流与供应链管理、运营管理、优化决策、制造业数字化转型等方面的研究,主持国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家863高技术项目、上海市“十二五”产业发展和信息化建设规划前期重大问题研究等课题30余项。先后在IISE Transactions、Transportation Research Part B、OMEGA、EJOR、Decision Support Systems、Information & Management、Journal of the Operational Research Society、Computers & Operations Research、IEEE Engineering Management、Transportation Research Part E、Operations Research Letters、IJPE、IJPR、《中国管理科学》、《系统工程理论与实践》等国内外知名期刊发表学术论文150余篇,连续入选2014-2022爱思唯尔(Elsevier)“中国高被引学者”榜单。获国际工程资产管理学会Fellow、教育部新世纪优秀人才、国家精品课程主讲教师、上海市曙光学者、中国学位与研究生教育学会研究生教育成果奖一等奖、国家级教学成果奖二等奖、上海市教学成果奖一等奖等。
《Journal of International Economics and Politics》编委
* 贸易关税影响下出口型生产企业供应链运营管理研究(国家自然科学基金项目,主持,在研)。
* 基于价值链重构的互联网环境下制造业企业转型升级研究(国家自然科学基金重点项目,主持,已结题)。
* 冷链网络物流集配理论及优化决策研究(国家自然科学基金项目,主持,已结题,后评估为优)。
* 医疗服务中的资源调度与优化(国家自然科学基金重点项目,参加,已结题)。
* 《Europe-China High Value Engineering Network (EC-HVEN): Shaping Sustainable Engineering Sectors in Europe and China》(欧盟第七框架项目,tyc1286太阳成集团负责人,已结题)。
* 能源供应链管理建模与优化决策理论研究(国家自然科学基金项目,主持,已结题,后评估为优)。
* 半导体制造系统的多尺度建模与优化技术研究(国家863计划,主持,已结题)。
* 面向不安全环境的健壮精益物流网络的建模、分析与优化研究(国家自然科学基金,主持,已结题)。
* 基于仿真的匮乏资源约束下不确定性大规模系统的优化研究(上海市浦江人才计划,主持,已结题)。
代表性著作及论文(部分):[1] 《制造业数字化指数及转型之路》,董明 等(著),科学出版社, 2021年12月,ISBN:9787030632630,页数:254。
[2] Chang XK, Dong M. Product-machine qualification using a process flexibility strategy considering capacity loss[J], IISE Transactions, 2024, 56(1): 98–113.
[3] Guo, H, Dong M, Tsinopoulos, C., & Xu, M. The influential capacity of carbon neutrality environmental orientation in modulating stakeholder engagement toward green manufacturing[J], Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 2024, 31(1): 292–310.
[4] Dong M, Mao SJ, Li S, Supplier's technology upgrading investment strategy considering product life cycle[J], International Journal of Production Economics, 2023, 263:108953.
[5] Wu FL, Dong M. Eco-routing problem for the delivery of perishable products[J], Computers & Operations Research, 2023, 154:106198.
[6] Sun Q, Dong M, Tan A, An order allocation methodology based on customer repurchase motivation drivers using blockchain technology[J], Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 2022, 56:101218.
[7] Hao S, Zhang DL, Dong M. Iteratively sampling scheme for stochastic optimization with variable number sample path[J]. Operations Research Letters, 2022, 50: 347-355.
[8] Wu FL, Bektas T, Dong M, Ye HB, Zhang DL. Optimal Driving for Vehicle Fuel Economy under Traffic Speed Uncertainty[J]. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. 2021, 154: 175-206.
[9] Liu QM, Dong M, Chen FF, Liu WY, Ye CM. Multi-objective imperfect maintenance optimization for production system with an intermediate buffer[J]. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2020, 56: 452-462.
[10] Wei HR, Dong M. Import-export freight organization and optimization in the dry-port-based cross-border logistics network under the Belt and Road Initiative[J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2019, 130: 472-484.
[11] Liu QM, Dong M, Lv WY, Ye CM. Manufacturing system maintenance based on dynamic programming model with prognostics information[J]. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2019, 30: 1155-1173.
[12] J. Chen, M. Dong, Y. Rong, L. Yang, Dynamic Pricing for Deteriorating Products with Menu Cost, Omega, 75, 2018, pp.13-26.
[13] X.K. Chang and M. Dong, Stochastic programming for qualification management of parallel machines in semiconductor manufacturing, Computers & Operations Research, 79, 2017, pp.49-59.
[14] X. Fu, M. Dong, S.X. Liu and G.H. Han, Trust Based Decisions in Supply Chains with An Agent, Decision Support Systems, 82, 2016, pp.35-46.
[15] S.S. Xiao, Chih-Ping Wei and M. Dong, Crowd Intelligence: Analyzing Online Product Reviews for Preference Measurement, Information & Management, 53(2), 2016, pp.169-182.
[16] S.S. Xiao and M. Dong, Hidden Semi-Markov Model-Based Reputation Management System for Online to Offline (O2O) E-commerce Markets, Decision Support Systems, 77, 2015, pp.87-99.
[17] G.H. Han, M. Dong and S.X. Liu, Yield and allocation management in a continuous make-to-stock system with demand upgrade substitution, International Journal of Production Economics, 156, 2014, pp.124-131.
[18] Y.F. Wu, M. Dong and Z.N. Zheng, Patient scheduling with periodic deteriorating maintenance on single medical device, Computers & Operations Research, 49(1), 2014, pp.107-116.
[19] Q.H. Zhang, M. Dong, Supply chain coordination with trade credit and quantity discount incorporating default risk, International Journal of Production Economics, 153, 2014, pp.352-360.
[20] M. Dong, Parallel Machine Scheduling with Limited Controllable Machine Availability, International Journal of Production Research, 51(8), 2013, pp.2240-2252.
[21] M. Dong and F.L. He, A Continuous Model for Multiple Re-entrant Manufacturing Systems, European Journal of Operational Research, 223(3), 2012, pp.659-668.
[22] X.F. Shao and M. Dong, Supply disruption and reactive strategies in an assemble-to-order supply chain with time-sensitive demand, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 59(2), 2012, pp.201-212.
[23] Y.F. Wu, M. Dong and S.X. Liu, Performance Evaluation of Supply Chain Networks with Assembly Structure Under System Disruptions, Computers & Operations Research, 39(12), 2012, pp.3229-3243.
[24] M. Dong, F.L. He and Z.G. Wu, Optimal Control of Continuum Model for Single-product Re-entrant Manufacturing Systems, International Journal of Production Research, 49(21), 2011, pp.6363-6385.
[25] M. Dong and D. He, Hidden Semi-Markov Model Based Methodology for Multi-Sensor Equipment Health Diagnosis and Prognosis, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 178, n.3, 2007, pp.858-878.
[26] M. Dong and F. F. Chen, Performance Modeling and Analysis of Integrated Logistic Chains: An Analytic Framework, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 162, no.1, 2005, pp.83-98.[27] 董明,毛舜杰,李珊. 考虑技术溢出效应的制造商投资升级供应商技术研究[J]. 管理评论. 2023,35(9): 75-88.
[28] 吴福亮,董明. 考虑能耗的电动汽车配送最优路径规划问题研究[J]. 工业工程与管理. 2023,28(3): 9-16.
[29] 董明,孙琦. 动态能力视角下制造业价值链的数字化重构路径——全球灯塔工厂案例分析[J]. 工业工程与管理. 2022,27(5): 197-208.
[30] 徐磊,陈靖,董明. 基于可承诺量的实时订单承诺策略研究[J]. 工业工程与管理. 2021,26:86-93.
[31] 刘勤明,梅嘉健,叶春明,董明, 考虑多缓冲库存情景的生产系统预防维护研究[J], 系统工程学报, 2020, 35: 782-795.
[32] 傅啸,韩广华,董明. 佣金代理商与零售商基于信任的订货策略研究[J]. 工业工程与管理. 2020,25:161-169.
[33] 孙琦,戢守峰,董明, 数据驱动下收货方质量偏好与电商配送服务质量优化[J], 中国管理科学, 2019, 27: 41-52.
[34] 王瑞,董明,侯文皓. 制造型企业数字化成熟度评价模型及方法研究[J]. 科技管理研究,2019,39:57-64.
[35] 王涵霄,董明,张大力. 考虑维修的共享单车调度优化研究[J]. 工业工程与管理. 2019,24:31-37.
[36] 陈靖,董明,考虑生鲜品新鲜度的集配策略研究[J],系统工程理论与实践,2018, 38: 2018-2031.
[37] 徐磊、董明,基于报童模型的零售商补贴模式选择研究[J],系统工程理论与实践,2018, 38: 1732-1739.