
- 系 别:营销系
- 办公电话:+86 (0)21 62933654
- 职 称:教授
- 电子邮箱:liuyi76@sjtu.edu.cn
1982.8-1984.7 河南科技大学 助教
1987.7-1990.10 西安交通大学助教
1990.11--1994.12 西安交通大学讲师
1994.12--2000.12 西安交通大学副教授
2000.12--2010.04 西安交通大学 教授、博士生导师
2010.04--2019.06 tyc1286太阳成集团特聘教授、博士生导师
2019.06--至今 tyc1286太阳成集团讲席教授、博士生导师
于2011年获聘教育部长江学者特聘教授、国务院特殊津贴获得者(2004)、教育部新世纪优秀人才获得者(2004)。是教育部创新团队发展计划“服务外包创新管理”(IRT13030)带头人、上海市社科创新研究基地“网络营销与服务外包”首席专家、中国管理现代化研究会常务理事、中国管理现代化研究会营销专业委员会主任委员、交大-杜克中美全球联合外包研究中心主任、中国高校市场学会常务理事、中国市场学会常务理事、《营销科学学报》 编委会委员、副理事长。2015年荣获“tyc1286太阳成集团三八红旗手”称号。2017年荣获“上海市教育系统三八红旗手称号,2017年度上海市巾帼建功标兵荣誉称号。2017年荣获tyc1286太阳成集团首届教书育人奖“一等奖”。曾担任西安交通大学市场营销学科方向负责人;荣获西安交通大学研究生指导教师优秀奖。
已在国际著名期刊Journal of Operations Management, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Consumer Psychology等发表论文45篇, 在国内著名期刊“管理世界”、“管理科学学报”、“南开管理评论”等发表论文100余篇。主持教育部 “创新团队发展计划”项目,获滚动支持。主持完成的6项国家自然科学基金均被后评估为“特优”或“优秀”。于2013年和2015年两次荣获“第六届教育部人文社科优秀成果奖一等奖”和第七届教育部人文社科优秀成果奖一等奖。2012年获Best Paper Finalist Award for Papers published in the Journal of Operations Management;2009年获Best Paper Finalist Award for papers published in the Journal of Operations Management, 2008年获运作管理领域唯一的Carolyn Dexter Best Paper Award of the 2008 Academy of Management Meeting。此外,还荣获包括省部级科技进步一等奖在内的省部级科技进步奖6项。指导的博士生多人次荣获国内和国际会议论文大奖。入选2020、2021、2022爱思唯尔中国高被引学者榜单。
网络环境下企业战略联盟的管理模式研究 陕西省科技进步一等奖(2007)
企业柔性战略形成与控制的系统研究 陕西省科技进步二等奖(2005)
国有股比例、经营者选择及冗员间关系的经验证据与国有企业的治理失效 陕西省哲学社会科学优秀成果三等奖(2007)
Journal of Management Analytics 编委
是国际著名期刊Journal of Management Studies,Journal of Business Research,Journal of Management Analytics,International Journal of Production Economics等,以及国内期刊“管理科学学报”、“南开管理评论”、“管理科学”等的论文评阅人。
主持教育部 “创新团队发展计划”项目
主持国家自然科学基金重点项目 “移动互联网情境下的全渠道营销研究”(No. 71832008,2019.01.01-2023.12.31)
1 主持人 71572109 G0207 渠道关系中买方对于供应商社会责任行为的管理模式研究
2 主持人 71172128 G0207 离岸KPO客户服务质量治理机制研究
3 主持人 70572037 G0207 渠道成员间的知识转移对企业产品创新的影响研究
4 主持人 70872090 G0207 渠道成员间竞合行为的形成机制及作用效果研究
5 主持人 70272023 G0207 企业关系营销网络形成与变化对价值创造活动的影响分析
6 主持人 70072022 G0201 网络经济环境下的战略联盟管理模式研究
7 主持人 79870021 G0201 企业柔性战略形成与控制的系统研究
1 主持人 70210307044 G02 中-法战略管理国际研讨会 国际(地区)合作与交流项目
2 主持人 70810307032 G0208 营销科学国际学术研讨会 国际(地区)合作与交流项目
[1]. Li Yuan, Li Lin, Liu Yi. Linking management control system with product development and process decisions to cope with environment complexity, International Journal of Production Research,2005.43: 2577-2591
[2]. Yuan Li, YongFeng Sun, Yi Liu. An Empirical Study of SOEs’ Market Orientation in Transitional China, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2006.23: 93-113
[3]. Yuan Li, Yi Liu, Yongbin Zhao. The Role of Market and Entrepreneurship Orientation and Internal Control in the New Product Development Activities of Chinese Firms, Industrial Marketing Management, 2006.35: 336-347
[4]. Li, Yuan, Yongbin Zhao, and Yi Liu. The relationship between HRM, technology innovation and performance in China. International Journal of Manpower, 27.7 (2006): 679-697.
[5]. Wang, Long Wei, Li. Yuan, and Yi. Liu. A Study on the Relationship among Information Communication, Organizational Capability and Product Innovation. R & D Management, 2006;18(4):8-14.
[6]. Li Yuan, Liu Yi, Ren Feng. The product innovation and process innovation in SOEs, evidence from Chinese transition, Journal of Technology Transfer, 2007.32: 63-85
[7]. Yi Liu, Yuan Li, Lei Tao and Ying Wang. Relationship stability, trust and relational risk in marketing channels: Evidence from China. Industrial Marketing Management, 2008, 37: 432-446.
[8]. Li, Yuan, Yongbin Zhao, Justin Tan, and Yi Liu. Moderating effects of entrepreneurial orientation on market orientation‐performance linkage: Evidence from Chinese small firms. Journal of Small Business Management, 46, no. 1 (2008): 113-133.
[9]. Yuan Li, Yi Liu, Yi Duan and Mingfang Li. Entrepreneurial orientation, strategic flexibilities and indigenous firm innovation in transitional China. International Journal of Technology Management, 2008. Vol.41, 233-246,
[10]. Yuan Li, Yi Liu, Mingfang Li and Haibin Wu Transformational Offshore Outsourcing: Empirical: Evidence from Alliances in China. Journal of Operations Management, Volume 26, Issue 2, March 2008, Pages 257-274
[11]. Li Yuan, Guo Hai, Liu Yi, Li, Mingfang. Incentive Mechanisms, Entrepreneurial Orientation and Technology Commercialization: Evidence from China's Transitional Economy. Journal of Product Innovation Management, Jan2008, Vol. 25 Issue 1, p63-78,
[12]. Yi Liu, Yuan Li, Zelong Wei. How organizational flexibility affects new product development in an uncertain environment: Evidence from China. International Journal of Production Economics, 2009,120 (1):18-29 July 2009 SSCI
[13]. Luo Yadong, Liu Yi, Xue Jiaqi. Relationship Investment and Channel Performance: An Analysis of Mediating Forces. Journal of Management Studies, 2009, 46(7): 1113-1137
[14]. Yi Liu, Yadong Luo, Ting Liu. Governing Buyer-Supplier Relationships through Transactional and Relational Mechanisms: Evidence from China; Journal of Operations Management, 2009,27 (4):294-309 August 2009 SSCI (for the 2009 Best Paper Award for papers published in the Journal of Operations Management)
[15]. Yi Liu, Chenting Su, Yuan Li, Ting Liu. Managing opportunism in a developing interfirm relationship: The interrelationship of calculative and loyalty commitment. Industrial Marketing Management, 39.5 (2010): 844-852.
[16]. Li, Yuan, Soo‐Hoon Lee, Xiyao Li, and Yi Liu. Knowledge codification, exploitation, and innovation: The moderating influence of organizational controls in Chinese firms. Management and Organization Review, 6, no. 2 (2010): 219-241.
[17]. Yi Liu, Yuan Li, Jiaqi Xue. Transfer of market knowledge in a channel relationship: Impacts of attitudinal commitment and satisfaction. Industrial Marketing Management, 2010, 39(2):229-239
[18]. Yi Liu, Li Yuan and Leinan Zhang. Control Mechanisms across a Buyer-Supplier Relationship Quality Matrix. Journal of Business Research, 2010,63(1):3-12
[19]. Li Yuan, Zhang Chenlu, Liu Yi and Li Mingfang, Organizational Learning, Internal Control Mechanisms and Indigenous Innovation: The Evidence from China. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2010. 57(1):63-77
[20]. Yuan Li, Wei ZL, Yi Liu. Strategic orientations, knowledge acquisition and Firm Performance: The perspective of the vendor in cross-border outsourcing. Journal of Management Studies, 2010;47(8):1457-1482
[21].Yuan Li, Peter Ping Li, Yi Liu, Dong Yang. Learning trajectory in offshore OEM cooperation: Transaction value for local suppliers in the emerging economies. Journal of Operations Management, 28 (2010) 269–282
[22]. Li Yuan, Su zhongfeng, Liu Yi, 2010.Can strategic flexibility help firms profit from product innovation? Technovation, Vol.30:300-309
[23]. Yadong Luo, Yi Liu, Leinan ZHANG, Ying HUANG. A taxonomy of control mechanisms and effects on channel cooperation in China. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2011, 39(2), 307-326.
[24]. Yuan Li, Zhongfeng Su, Yi Liu, Mingfang Li. Fast adaptation, strategic flexibility and entrepreneurial roles, Chinese Management Studies, Vol.5 No.3.2011,pp.256-271.
[25]. Yi Liu, Yuan Li, Jiaqi Xue. Ownership, strategic orientation and internationalization in emerging markets, Journal of World Business, 46 (2011):381-393.
[26]. Yuan Li, Yi Liu, Heng Liu. Co-opetition, distributor’s entrepreneurial orientation and manufacturer’s Knowledge acquisition: Evidence from China, Journal of Operations Management, 29 (2011) 128-142.
[27]. Adelle X. Yang, Christopher K. Hsee, Yi Liu, Li Zhang. The supremacy of singular subjectivity: Improving decision quality by removing objective specifications and direct comparisons, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Volume 21, Issue 4, October 2011, Pages 393-404, Special Issue on the Application of Behavioral Decision Theory.
[28]. Yuan Li, Longwei Wang, Yi Liu. Organisational learning, product quality and performance: the moderating effect of social ties in Chinese cross-border outsourcing, International Journal of Production Research, Vol.49,No.1,1 January 2011,159-182.
[29]. Yuan Li, Xiyao Li, Yi Liu, Bradley R.Barnes. Knowledge communication, exploitation and endogenous innovation: the moderating effects of internal controls in SMEs, R&D Management, 41(2), 2011, 156-172.
[30]. Yi Liu, Ying Huang, Yadong Luo, Yang Zhao, How does justice matter in achieving buyer-supplier relationship performance? Journal of Operations Management, (for the 2012 Best Paper Award for papers published in the Journal of Operations Management)Vol.30:355-367,2012,
[31]. Yi Yaqun, Liu Yi, He Hong, Li Yuan, 2012, Environment, governance, controls, and radical innovation during institutional transitions, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 29(3): 689-708
[32]. Li, Yuan, Mingjun Hou, Heng Liu, Yi Liu. Towards a theoretical framework of strategic decision, supporting capability and information sharing under the context of Internet of Things. Information Technology and Management, 13, No. 4 (2012): 205-216.
[33]. Liu, Yi, Longwei Wang, Changhong Yuan, and Yuan Li. Information communication, organizational capability and new product development: an empirical study of Chinese firms. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 37, No. 4 (2012): 416-432.
[34]. Zhao Jie, Li Yuan, Liu Yi, Cai Haowen. Contingencies in collaborative innovation: matching organisational learning with strategic orientation and environmental munificence. International Journal of Technology Management, 2013, 62(2/3/4): 193-222.
[35]. Li Yuan, Wei Zelong, Zhao Jie, Liu Yi. Ambidextrous organizational learning, environmental munificence and new product performance: Moderating effect of managerial ties in China. International Journal of Production Economics, 2013, 146(1): 95-105
[36]. Haowen Cai, Haowen Chen, Yuan Li, Yi Liu. External dynamic capabilities, reconfiguration of cooperation mechanism and new product development: contingent effect of technological resource base. International Journal of Technology Management, 2014, 65(1-4): 240-261.
[37]. Yi Liu, Ting Liu, Yuan Li. How to inhibit a partner's strong and weak forms of opportunism: Impacts of network embeddedness and bilateral TSIs. Industrial Marketing Management, 2014, 43(2): 280-292.
[38]. Yuan Li, Haowen Chen, Yi Liu, Mike W. Peng. Managerial ties, organizational learning, and opportunity capture: A social capital perspective. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2014, 31(1):271-291.
[39]. Yi Liu, Yadong Luo, Pianpian Yang, Vladislav Maksimov. Typology and Effects of Co-opetition in Buyer–Supplier Relationships: Evidence from the Chinese Home Appliance Industry. Management and Organization Review, 2014, 10(3): 439-465.
[40]. Yi Liu, Jingzhou Guo, Nan Chi. The Antecedents and Performance Consequences of Proactive Environmental Strategy: A Meta-analytic Review of National Contingency. Management and Organization Review, 2015, 11(3): 521-557.
[41]. Yadong Luo, Yi Liu, Q Yang, Vladislav Maksimovd, Jigang Houe. Improving performance and reducing cost in buyer–supplier relationships: The role of justice in curtailing opportunism. Journal of Business Research, 2015, 68(3): 607-615
[42]. Haowen Chen, Yuan Li, Yi Liu. Dual capabilities and organizational learning in new product market performance. Industrial Marketing Management, 2015, 46(4): 204-213.
[43]. Huang Ying, Luo Yadong, Liu Yi, Yang Qian, An Investigation of Interpersonal Ties in Interorganizational Exchanges in Emerging Markets: A Boundary-Spanning Perspective. Journal Of Management, 2016;42(6):1557-87.
[44]. Yi Yaqun, Li Yuan, Hitt Michael A., Liu Yi, Wei Zelong, The influence of resource bundling on the speed of strategic change: Moderating effects of relational capital. Asia Pacific Journal Of Management, 2016;33(2):435-67.
[45]. Zhao Jie, Li Yuan, Liu Yi, Organizational Learning, Managerial Ties, and Radical Innovation: Evidence from an Emerging Economy. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2016;63(4):489-99.
[46]. Liu, Yi, Yao Li, Linda Hui Shi, and Ting Liu. "Knowledge transfer in buyer-supplier relationships: The role of transactional and relational governance mechanisms." Journal of Business Research (2017).
[47]. Liu, Yi, Yadong Luo, Ying Huang, and Qian Yang. "A diagnostic model of private control and collective control in buyer-supplier relationships." Industrial Marketing Management 63 (2017): 116-128.
[48]. Cao Zhi, Li Yuan, Jayaram Jayanth, Liu Yi, Lumineau Fabrice. A meta-analysis of the exchange hazards–interfirm governance relationship: An informal institutions perspective. Journal of International Business Studies, 2018, 49(3):303-323
[49]. Liu Yi, Liao Yonghai, Li Yuan. Capability configuration, ambidexterity and performance: Evidence from service outsourcing sector. International Journal of Production Economics, 2018 (200) 343–352
[50]. Wang Yajuan, Liu Yi, Canel Cem. Process coordination, project attributes and project performance in offshore-outsourced service projects, International Journal of Project Management, 2018 (36) 980–991
[51]. Zheng Songyue, Liu Yi, Li Yuan, Wang Liang. Conjunct roles of client and vendor control in offshore-outsourced project performance. International Journal of Production Research, 2018(2):1-19.
[52]. Liu, Yi, Xue Li, and Maggie Chuoyan Dong. "The role of customer orientation in key account managers’ performance: a client network perspective." Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing (2019).
[53]. Yang, Qian, Yi Liu, and Yuan Li. "How do an alliance firm’s strategic orientations drive its knowledge acquisition? Evidence from Sino-foreign alliance partnership." Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 34.2 (2019): 505-517.
[54]. Liu, Yi, Jiaqi Xue, and Yuan Li. "Transaction-specific investments in a supplier-distributor-supplier triad in China: opportunism and cooperation." Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing (2019).
[55]. Liu, Y., Chen, D. Q., & Gao, W. (2020). How does customer orientation (in)congruence affect B2B electronic commerce platform firms’ performance? Industrial Marketing Management, 87, 18–30.
[56]. Liu, Y., Li, W., & Li, Y. (2020). Ambidexterity between low cost strategy and CSR strategy: Contingencies of competition and regulation. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 37(3), 633–660.
[57]. Liu, Y., Jia, X., Jia, X., & Koufteros, X. (2021). CSR orientation incongruence and supply chain relationship performance—A network perspective. Journal of Operations Management, 67, 237-260.
[58]. Shu, S., & Liu, Y. (2021). Looking Back to Move Forward: A Bibliometric Analysis of Consumer Privacy Research. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 16(4), 727–747.
[59]. Liu, Y., & Zhang, H. (2022). Reassessing research on marketing channel strategies in the internet era: Opportunities, challenges, and responses. Journal of Contemporary Marketing Science, 5(1), 81–91.
[60]. Wang, J., Han, B., & Liu, Y. (2023). The contribution of self-disclosure to promotional response: Examining the roles of deservingness and social class. Psychology & Marketing, 40, 811-834.
[61]. Liu, Y., & Duan, R. (2023). It is time for optimal distinctiveness: Corporate social responsibility engagement under dynamic competitive effects during the COVID-19 crisis. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, 32(1), 4–23.
[1]. 李怀祖,刘益. 从技术生命周期看高技术及其产品的市场特点[J]. 科研管理,1993,(03):33-35.
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[3]. 汪应洛,李垣,刘益. 企业柔性战略——跨世纪战略管理研究与实践的前沿[J]. 管理科学学报,1998,(01):24-27.
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[22]. 弋亚群,李垣,刘益. 企业动态能力的构建及其对战略变化影响的理论框架[J]. 管理评论,2006,(10):30-34+64.
[23]. 刘益,钱丽萍. 零售商态度承诺和供应商权力使用间的互动关系研究[J]. 科研管理,2006,(06):130-135.
[24]. 刘益,蔺丰奇. 渠道伙伴关系中专用性投资的特点和作用:以日本汽车产业为例[J]. 南开管理评论,2006,(06):81-88.
[25]. 李纲,刘益,廖貅武. 基于吸收能力和知识溢出的合作研发模型[J]. 系统工程,2007,(12):70-74.
[26]. 李纲,刘益,廖貅武. 合作创新中知识转移的风险与对策研究[J]. 科学学与科学技术管理,2007,(10):107-110.
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[28]. 张志勇,刘益,卢兵. 战略联盟控制方式对知识转移效果的影响研究[J]. 科学学与科学技术管理,2007,(11):96-99.
[29]. 张志勇,刘益. 企业间知识转移的双网络模型[J]. 科学学与科学技术管理,2007,(09):94-97
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[31]. 刘益,薛佳奇,刘婷. 态度性承诺和满意对知识转移的影响研究[J]. 预测,2007,(06):7-13.
[32]. 张志勇,刘益,谢恩. 基于动态网络模型的研发团队隐性知识转移研究[J]. 运筹与管理,2007,(06):142-147.
[33]. 刘益,刘婷,薛佳奇. 制造商控制机制的使用与零售商知识转移——渠道关系持续时间的影响[J]. 科研管理,2008,(02):67-74.
[34]. 刘益,刘婷,王俊. 算计性承诺与忠诚性承诺的互动——作为关系长度与机会主义行为的中介[J]. 管理工程学报,2008,(02):69-73+84.
[35]. 刘益,张志勇. 控制机制、态度性承诺与市场知识转移间关系研究[J]. 管理科学,2008,(02):2-8.
[36]. 刘益,李纲. 态度性承诺、渠道冲突与市场知识转移——渠道关系情境下的一个整合的模型[J]. 管理评论,2008,(07):28-34+64.
[37]. 侯吉刚,刘益,杨翩翩. 基于组织结构的渠道关系质量的研究[J]. 现代管理科学,2008,(11):25-26+32.
[38]. 侯吉刚,刘益,杨翩翩. 企业社会资本对产品创新的影响研究[J]. 科学学研究,2008,26(S2):446-450.
[39]. 侯吉刚,刘益,杨翩翩. 供应商参与对制造商产品创新模式影响的分析[J]. 科学学与科学技术管理,2008,(05):48-51
[40]. 刘婷,刘益. 组织文化、影响策略与营销渠道成员间知识共享的关系研究[J]. 科学学与科学技术管理,2008
[41]. 刘益,陶蕾,王颖. 零售商的供应关系稳定性、信任与关系风险间的关系研究[J]. 预测,2009,(01):36-41+55.
[42]. 侯吉刚,刘益,刘衡. 动态能力对企业国际化的影响机制研究:基于海尔的案例研究[J]. 现代管理科学,2009,(03):47-50.
[43]. 杨伟,刘益,杨倩. 竞争性、合作性薪酬结构对组织成员间知识共享的影响研究——个体特性的调节作用[J]. 科学学与科学技术管理,2009,30(12):113-115+147.
[44]. 杨倩,刘益,王强. 组织文化、战略类型与企业间竞争合作程度的关系研究[J]. 科学学与科学技术管理,2009,30(03):160-164.
[45]. 侯吉刚,刘益,杨倩. 基于竞合的产业集群技术创新研究[J]. 现代管理科学,2009,(04):53-55.
[46]. 刘婷,刘益,陶蕾. 交易机制与关系机制对营销渠道企业间合作的作用研究[J]. 预测,2009,(04):28-33+56.
[47]. 张磊楠,刘益,赵阳. 组织文化刚性产生根源及影响机制研究[J]. 现代管理科学,2009,(10):81-82+85.
[48]. 杨伟,刘益,杨倩. 产品生命周期不同阶段研发团队薪酬结构研究——基于任务两维度的视角[J]. 科技管理研究,2010,30(02):143-144+154.
[49]. 刘益,赵阳,高长安. 笔记本电脑服务质量测量模型及其应用研究[J]. 管理评论,2010,(01):55-61+54.
[50]. 钱丽萍,刘益,喻子达,陶蕾. 制造商影响战略的使用与零售商的知识转移——渠道关系持续时间的调节影响[J]. 管理世界,2010,(02):93-105.
[51]. 刘益,赵阳,李垣. 联盟企业的战略导向与知识获取——控制机制使用的中介与干预作用[J]. 管理科学学报,2010,(04):85-94.
[52]. 刘益,李纲. 信任对分销商知识转移的影响——基于中国家电行业的实证研究[J]. 管理评论,2010,(11):46-53.
[53]. 薛佳奇,刘益,张磊楠. 竞争关系下制造商专项投资对分销商机会主义行为的影响[J]. 管理评论,2011,(09):76-85.
[54]. 杨伟,刘益,沈灏,王龙伟. 管理创新与营销创新对企业绩效的实证研究——基于新创企业和成熟企业的分类样本[J]. 科学学与科学技术管理,2011,32(03):67-73
[55]. 刘婷,刘益. 交易专项投资对伙伴机会主义行为影响的实证研究[J]. 管理科学,2012,(01):66-75.
[56]. 杨伟,刘益,王龙伟,刘婷. 国外企业不道德行为研究述评[J]. 管理评论,2012,(08):145-153+159.
[57]. 张钰,李瑶,刘益. 社会资本对企业创新行为的影响——基于利用式创新和探索式创新的实证研究[J]. 预测,2013,(02):7-11+25.
[58]. 付强,刘益. 企业财务披露对市场价值的影响:企业社会责任披露的调节与投资者评价的中介作用[J]. 现代管理科学,2013,(09):92-94.
[59]. 付强,刘益. 基于技术创新的企业社会责任对绩效影响研究[J]. 科学学研究,2013,31(03):463-468.
[60]. 郑淞月,刘益,杨伟,李瑶. 基于美团网的产品因素对网络团购影响因素实证研究[J]. 管理学报,2013,10(03):397-403.
[61]. 张钰,刘益,杨伟. 供应商影响战略与分销商机会主义——分销商关系承诺的调节作用研究[J]. 管理科学,2013,(05):50-62.
[62]. 张千军,刘益. 承接方知识获取机制对ITO项目绩效的影响[J]. 科学学与科学技术管理,2013,34(07):74-82.
[63]. 张千军,刘益,王良. 基于权变视角的知识利用、知识开发以及双元性对外包项目绩效的影响研究[J]. 管理学报,2013,10(07):1065-1071.
[64]. 张钰,李瑶,刘益. 社会资本对企业创新行为的影响——基于利用式创新和探索式创新的实证研究[J]. 预测,2013,32(02):7-11+25.
[65]. 张千军,刘益. KPO情境下知识共享对创新绩效的促进作用研究——任务特性和知识管理能力的调节作用[J]. 科技进步与对策,2013,30(06):121-125.
[66]. 李瑶,孙彪,刘益. 社会资本悖论与联盟双元创新:阴阳思维与动态组合的管理角色[J]. 科学学与科学技术管理,2014,35(06):93-101.
[67]. 王良,刘益,王亚娟. 任务不确定性与外部流程整合对项目绩效的作用机制研究——基于中国离岸信息技术外包产业的实证分析[J]. 科学学与科学技术管理,2013,34(01):20-30.
[68]. 王亚娟,刘益,张钰. 关系价值还是关系陷入?——供应商与客户关系耦合的权变效应研究[J]. 管理评论,2014,(02):165-176.
[69]. 王亚娟,张钰,刘益. 企业间技术耦合和关系耦合——知识获取效率对供应商创新的中介作用研究[J]. 科学学研究,2014,32(01):103-113
[70]. 潘佳,刘益,王良. 企业产品伤害危机响应策略对股票市场的影响[J]. 管理学报,2014,11(11):1696-1702.
[71]. 李文茜,刘益. 国外大客户管理研究新进展探析[J]. 外国经济与管理,2014,36(07)
[72]. 张千军,刘益. 市场导向、双元性和企业绩效[J]. 软科学,2014,28(12):65-68.
[73]. 王良,刘益,王强. 离岸KPO中的战略联盟建立机制及作用结果研究——基于中国接包方视角[J]. 预测,2014,(05):1-7.
[74]. 贾兴平,刘益. 外部环境、内部资源与企业社会责任[J]. 南开管理评论,2014,(06):13-18+52.
[75]. 樊骅,刘益. 对利益相关者的社会责任与企业价值的关系研究——媒体与社会团体责任的调节作用[J/OL]. 管理现代化,2014,34(06):72-74.
[76]. 刘益,Arie Y.Lewin,郑锦荣,廖勇海. 中国服务外包业现状、问题与对策:基于中国与ORN数据的比较分析[J]. 上海管理科学,2014,36(04):1-13.
[77]. 樊骅,刘益,韩冰. 角色压力与共享领导力对跨界员工创造力的作用研究[J/OL]. 软科学,2015,29(12):77-81.
[78]. 郑淞月,刘益,王良. 接包方如何克服双方差异对客户满意的阻碍?——以我国信息产业离岸服务外包为例[J]. 管理评论,2015,(02):99-110.
[79]. 张千军,刘益,王良. 任务模块化和流程整合对离岸信息技术外包项目绩效的影响. 管理学报, 2015 (04), pp 576-582.
[80]. 张钰,刘益,李瑶. 营销渠道中控制机制的使用与机会主义行为[J]. 管理科学学报,2015,(12):79-92.
[81]. 廖勇海,刘益,贾兴平. 基于Meta视角的市场导向、产品创新、产品竞争优势与新产品绩效关系研究[J]. 研究与发展管理,2015,27(03):105-113.
[82]. 廖勇海,刘益,贾兴平. 利用式R&D向探索式R&D转变会影响企业绩效吗?[J]. 科学学与科学技术管理,2015,36(05):85-94.
[83]. 贾兴平,刘益,廖勇海. 利益相关者压力、企业社会责任与企业价值. 管理学报,2016(02), pp 267-274.
[84]. 阮丽旸,王良,刘益. 外部环境因素对小型企业履行社会责任的影响研究. 软科学,2016(05), pp 69-73.
[85]. 樊骅,刘益,韩冰. 社会网络对跨界员工创造力的作用研究. 工业工程与管理,2016(03), pp 104-109+117.
[86]. 潘佳,刘益,郑凇月. 外部知识搜寻和企业绩效关系研究:以信息技术服务外包行业为例[J]. 管理评论,2017,(06):73-84.
[87]. 张钰,刘益,王亚娟. 渠道竞合对制造商企业绩效的影响——基于悖论视角的研究[J]. 管理评论,2017,(07):213-224.
[88]. 阮丽旸,刘益,王良. 转型环境下关系导向和创业导向对民营企业CSR的影响研究. 软科学[J], 2017. 10
[89]. 李文茜,刘益. 技术创新、企业社会责任与企业竞争力——基于上市公司数据的实证分析[J]. 科学学与科学技术管理,2017,38(01)
[90]. 李雪,刘益(2),高伟.用户评论信息特征与信息采纳——产品涉入与社区涉入的不同调节作用[J].情报科学,2018,36(11):115-121.
[91]. 王江哲,刘益(2),陈晓菲.产学研合作与高校科研成果转化:基于知识产权保护视角[J].科技管理研究,2018,38(17):119-126.
[92]. 高伟,刘益(2),李雪.第三方B2B电子商务平台研究综述与展望[J].管理现代化,2018,38(04):120-123.
[93]. 李雪,刘益(2),高伟.一线员工客户导向的传递与促进——基于非正式控制框架的研究[J].管理现代化,2018,38(03):101-104.
[94]. 李文茜,贾兴平,廖勇海,刘益(4).多视角整合下企业社会责任对企业技术创新绩效的影响研究[J].管理学报,2018,15(02):237-245.
[95]. 高伟,刘益,李雪.全渠道购物体验与品牌忠诚、品牌资产关系研究——全渠道一致性与无缝性的调节作用[J].工业工程与管理,2019,24(04):174-180+196.
[96]. 高伟,刘益,李雪.网络购物中临场感与买家忠诚——基于社会资本理论的研究[J].华东经济管理,2019,33(03):127-135.
[97]. 王江哲, 陈晓菲,刘益. "商业模式整合、冲突与企业绩效间关系研究." [J]管理评论 7(2019):225-238.
[98]. 高伟,刘益,李雪.网络购物中临场感与买家忠诚——基于社会资本理论的研究[J].华东经济管理,2019,33(03):127-135.
[99]. 李雪,刘益,高伟.展厅现象下的销售人员创造力研究——一个有调节的双中介模型[J].管理评论,2020,32(08):204-214.
[100]. 刘益.中国营销学研究的使命、发展方向及问题思考[J].营销科学学报,2021,1(01):59-77.
[101]. 束晟,刘益.基于显露模式的电子支付用户偏好识别和管理策略[J].管理现代化,2021,41(05):97-102.
[102]. 刘益,崔海涛,束晟.移动互联网情境下的全渠道营销研究[J].营销科学学报,2023,3(01):2-17.
[103]. 张恒源,刘益,夏成程.是什么阻碍了民营企业参与扶贫?——基于管理层注意力的视角[J].商业经济与管理,2023,376(02):17-36.
[2]. 制造商控制机制的使用与零售商知识转移——渠道关系持续时间的影响,获2006年中国营销科学学术年会优秀论文奖
[1]. 2008 Carolyn B. Dexter Award for Best International Paper Finalist. Zhao, Xiande, Yi Liu, Liping Qian, Barbara B. Flynn. The Relationship Between Investment in Transaction-Specific Assets and Opportunistic Behavior in a Supply Chain[C] 2008 Academy of Management Annual Meeting,Anaheim,California, USA, 2008.
[2]. 2017 Carolyn B. Dexter Award for Best International Paper Finalist. Jia X., Liu Y. How does (in)congruence in supply chain partners’ CSR orientation affect relationship performance. 2017 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
[1]. 2009 Best Paper Award Finalist for papers published in the Journal of Operations Management. Yi Liu, Yadong Luo, Ting Liu. Governing Buyer-Supplier Relationships through Transactional and Relational Mechanisms: Evidence from China; Journal of Operations Management, 2009,27 (4):294-309 August 2009 SSCI
[2]. 2012 Best Paper Award Finalist for papers published in the Journal of Operations Management. Yi Liu, Ying Huang, Yadong Luo, Yang Zhao, How does justice matter in achieving buyer-supplier relationship performance? Journal of Operations Management, Vol.30:355-367,2012,
[1]. 制造商的控制机制与分销商的市场知识转移关系――基于家电产业的实证分析,获2006年中国营销科学学术年会博士生优秀论文奖
[2]. 不同关系满意水平下的控制机制差异性研究,获2008中国营销科学学术年会博士生优秀论文二等奖
[3]. OM division of Best student paper award. Liu Heng, Liu Y. Li Y. Specific investment, absorptive capacity and manufacturer’s knowledge acquisition. Montreal, Canada,2010 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
[4]. Best Student Paper Award Finalist for Operation and Supply Chain Management Division. Jia X., Liu Y. How does (in)congruence in supply chain partners’ CSR orientation affect relationship performance. 2017 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management