
- 系 别:经济系
- 办公电话:+86 (0)21 52301036
- 职 称:副教授
- 电子邮箱:chunhua.wang@sjtu.edu.cn
Shu, L., C. Wang, and W. Wang. (2024). “Vehicle Exhaust Standards and Urban Air Quality in China.” Journal of Development Economics: forthcoming.
C. Wang. (2024). “The Distributional Effects of Temperature Changes: Evidence from China's Cement Industry.” Environmental and Resource Economics: forthcoming.
Han, C., C. Li, J. Pei, and C. Wang. (2024). “Environmental Regulation and Intermediate Imports: Firm-product-level Evidence.” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 127: 103043.
Cui, J., S. Huang, and C. Wang. (2023). “The Impact of Air Quality on Innovation Activities in China.” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 122: 102893.
Wu, J., K. Segerson, and C. Wang. (2023). “Is Environmental Regulation the Answer to Pollution Problems in Urbanizing Economies?” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 117: 102754.
Mao, J., C. Wang, and H. Yin. (2023). “Corporate Responses to Air Quality Regulation: Evidence from a Regional Environmental Policy in China.” Regional Science and Urban Economics 98: 103851.
Sun, S., C. Wang, Y. Zhang, D. Li, and C. Wei. (2022). “Housing and Portfolio Choice: Evidence from Urban China.” Cities 131: 104035.
Nian, H., C. Wang, and H. Yin. (2022). “Size Control or Intensity Control: A Comparative Study of Two Common Environmental Regulations.” Journal of Regulatory Economics 61: 169-190.
Cui, J., C. Wang, J. Zhang, and Y. Zheng. (2021). “The Effectiveness of China’s Regional Carbon Market Pilots in Reducing Firm Emissions.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (52).
Wang, C., C. Zhang, and Y. Wang. (2020). “Environmental Satisfaction among Residents in Chinese Cities.” Empirical Economics 59: 2283-2301.
Wang, C., X. Cao, J. Mao, and P. Qin. (2019). “The Changes in Coal Intensity of Electricity Generation in Chinese Coal-fired Power Plants.” Energy Economics 80: 491-501.
Wang, C. (2019). “Did Natural Disasters Affect Population Density Growth in U.S. Counties?” Annals of Regional Science 62: 21-46.
Wang, C., J. Wu, and B. Zhang. (2018). “Environmental Regulation, Emissions and Productivity: Evidence from Chinese COD-emitting Manufacturers." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 92: 54-73.
Delmelle, E., J. Thill, and C. Wang. (2016). “Spatial Temporal Dynamics of Urban Neighbourhood Quality of Life.” Annals of Regional Science 56: 687-705.
Mao, J., and C. Wang. (2016). “Tax Incentives and Environmental Protection: Evidence from China's Taxpayer-Level Data.” China Finance and Economic Review 4 (1): 1-30.
Wang, C. (2014). “Regulating Land Development in a Natural Disaster-Prone Area: The Roles of Building Codes." Resource and Energy Economics 26: 209-228.
Wang, C. (2013). “Changing Energy Intensity of Economies in the World and Its Decomposition.” Energy Economics 40: 637-644.
Wang, C. (2013). “Differential Output Growth across Regions and Carbon Dioxide Emissions: Evidence from U.S. and China.” Energy 53: 230-236.
Wang, C., Jean-Claude Thill, and Ross Meentemeyer. (2012). “Estimating the Demand for Public Open Space: Evidence from North Carolina Municipalities." Papers in Regional Science 91: 219-232.
Wang, C. (2011). “Sources of Energy Productivity Growth and Its Distribution Dynamics in China.” Resource and Energy Economics 33: 279-292.
Wang, C., and J. Wu. (2011). “Natural Amenities, Increasing Returns, and Urban Development.” Journal of Economic Geography 11: 687-707.
Wang, C. (2010). “Falling Commuting Costs, Amenity Advantages, and Suburbanization.” Annals of Regional Science 45: 351-364.
Wang, C. (2007). “Decomposing Energy Productivity Change: A Distance Function Approach.” Energy 32: 1326-1333.
王垚、年猛、王春华.“产业结构、最优规模与中国城市化路径选择”,《经济学季刊》, 2017年 第1期.
王垚、王春华、洪俊杰、年猛. “自然条件、行政等级与中国城市发展”,《管理世界》, 2015年 第1期.
孙三百、黄薇、洪俊杰、王春华. “城市规模、幸福感与移民空间优化”,《经济研究》, 2014年 第1期.
姚洋、王春华. “农地配置与农村劳动力外出”, 《农村经济文稿》, 2001年 第1期。
Wang, C., Jean-Claude Thill, and Ross Meentemeyer. (2017). “Who Wants More Open Space? Study of Willingness to Be Taxed to Preserve Open Space in an Urban Environment." in H. Shibusawa et al. (eds.), Socioeconomic Environmental Policies and Evaluations in Regional Science, Springer.
“出口结构变动与碳排放:基于指数分解的分析” (与裴建锁合作), 载于《中国低碳经济发展报告(2014)》(薛进军、赵忠秀主编), 2014年, 社会科学文献出版社。