
- 系 别:经济系
- 办公电话:+86 (0)21 52301381
- 职 称:副教授
- 电子邮箱:jfxi@sjtu.edu.cn
Academic Papers:
The Impact of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement on Australia’s Education Exports to China: A Legal and Economic Assessment (With W Zhou & H Wang), The World Economy,Dec.2018
China’s Liberalisation of Legal Services under the CHAFTA: Market Access or Lack of Market Access for Australian Legal Practices (With Dr. W Zhou ), Journal of World Trade, 2017 (4)
Breakthrough or Standstill? China’s Liberalisation of Legal Services under ChAFTA (Weihuan Zhou and Junfang Xi), The China-Australia Free Trade Agreement A 21st-Century Model. Edited by Colin Picker, Heng Wang and Weihuan Zhou. Dec.2017
A Study on Foreign Antidumping and the Impact on Chinese Export-Firm’sProductivity:A Case Study of the U.S. Antidumping against China. Research of World Economy. March 2014
A Study on the Establishment of ECFA between Mainland of China and Taiwan.International Economic Studies, Feb. 2011
Dynamic Game of Anti-dumping and Countervailing under Incomplete Information, Journal of Harbin Business University, Feb.2010
Dynamic Game of Tortuous Peer to Peer Business under Incomplete Information, Journal of Harbin Industrial University, Aug.2009
Game Analysis of Implementing Price Undertaking Agreements in Anti-Dumping Disputes, Journal of Donghua University, Jan.2008
A Study on Optimized Mechanism of Anti-dumping Duties of Cascading Anti-dumping Cases Under the Vertical Market Structure,Journal of Systems Management,Oct.,2007
A Study on Anti-dumping Filing Mechanism Based on the Vertical Market Structure,Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University(Natural Science Issue)Dec, 2007
Progress of GMS Economic Integration and its Carrier Role in the Construction of CAFTA,Osaka Sangyo University Journal of Economics, Vol.07 No.2, Feb. 2006
The Study on Transfer of the Control Right and Its Related Operating performance and Earnings Management,Nankai Business Review,Aug. 2006
A Study on Public Interests in China’s Anti-dumping Cases against Intermediate Goods,Shanghai Management Science,Aug.2006
Strategy of Establishing the Development Mechanism of Chinese Hi-tech Industrial Clusters,Economic Review,Nov, 2005
Designation of Index System for Social-Economics Systems: Methodological principles and Its Realization,Systems Engineering Theory and Practice, Dec. 2005
The interplay of China and East Asia: an economic perspective, International Business Research (China), June, 2004
Strategy of Developing China Mobile Telecommunication Operator’s Customer Loyalty ,Shanghai Management Science,Dec.,2003
World Expo and Shanghai Telecommunication Industry,compiled in the book World Expo and Shanghai Economy,Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press,July, 2003
Marketing Channels, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press, Dec.2004
Marketing Channels(translation), Mechanics Industrial Press, Jan.,2003
College English Speed reading course (Band 2&Band 5, 212 and 210 pages respectively), Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press, Jan.2001
Senior Strategic Advisor to the Chairman of Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group, 2009-2021
The Study on the Impact of China’s OROB Initiative on Australia ( “一带一路”倡议对澳大利亚传播效果与策略研究), Fund from Ministry of Education, 2.5 万资助,2018
The China-Australia Free Trade Agreement: Implications for Australian Services Suppliers and China’s Services Sectors(中澳自由贸易协定对两国服务业发展的影响及对策研究),SJTU-UNSW Collaborative Research Fund,10万资助, 2016-2017年
全球投资贸易新规定和新产业技术革命背景下上海国际贸易中心战略思路与举措研究,上海市政府发展研究中心重点决策课题, 10万资助,2015年 (课题负责人)
Company training course for Infosys, Shanghai, 2011
Company training course for International Trade department of WUXI Electric Equipments Co., 2009
Paticipanting the project “Theoretical and Emperical Research on Optimal Anti-dumping Duty” granted by the National Natural Science Fund,2006-2008
Paticipating Research Project on Shanghai’s Industry Investment Policy during the 11th 5 year Plan granted by Shanghai Economics Committee,2005
Research on the industry injury warning mechanism,2005
Paticipating the HBR research project of Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Co.Ltd. 2004
In charge of Foreign Trade Business Strategy of Tongji Science and Techology Co. Ltd., 2003
2016, Awarded the 2016 Confucius Institute Individual Performance Excellence Award(先进个人) granted by Vice Premier Madam LIU Yandong
2010,Awarded the Excellent Teacher of Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2006, Awarded the Excellent Teaching Achievement of Shanghai Municipal Government
1998 and 2001, Granted Excellent Tutor by SJTU
1998, Awarded Excellent Faculty Member of Shanghai Jiao Tong University
1998,Awarded the third prize of Aneta Excellent Teaching Fund
《国际贸易理论与政策》、《国际贸易方式和融资》、《国际商务》、《Business Consulting and Change Management》、《国际投资》、《营销渠道》等。