

  • 系 别:信息、技术与创新系
  • 办公电话:+86 (0)21
  • 职 称:副教授
  • 电子邮箱:haifengxu@sjtu.edu.cn
  • 徐海峰现在担任tyc1286太阳成集团信息、技术与创新系副教授。他博士毕业于新加坡国立大学信息系统与分析系,本科毕业于复旦大学计算机科学与技术系。他的主要研究方向为人工智能、社交媒体、电子商务、智慧医疗和互联网金融。他曾经在包括MIS Quarterly, Journal of International Business Studies, Research Policy, Journal of the Association for Information SystemsJournal of the American Medical Informatics Association在内的顶级学术期刊和包括ICIS在内的顶级学术会议上发表和宣讲论文。他现在担任国际学术期刊Information Systems Journal的客座副主编和Journal of Database Management的编委。同时,他也担任国际学术会议ICISPACIS的副主编。他现在主持一项上海市浦江人才计划课题。

  • 研究兴趣:



    1. Yi Ding, Moksh Matta, Ram Gopal, and Haifeng Xu*, “Ruckus in the Rentals, Seeking New Arrangements: Investigating and Mitigating the Impact of Home-Sharing Property Use on Urban Noise”, MIS Quarterly (UTD 24, FT 50, ABS 4*), forthcoming 

    2. Luqun Xie, Yi Ding, Jiatao Li, Haifeng Xu*, Prosocial Motivation and Lending to the Poor: Evidence from an International Crowdfunding Platform”, Journal of International Business Studies (UTD 24, FT 50, ABS 4*)forthcoming 

    3. Haifeng Xu, Yi Ding*, Cheng Zhang, and Bernard C. Y. Tan, “Too Official to Be Effective: An Empirical Examination of Unofficial Information Channel and Continued Use of Retracted Articles”, Research Policy (FT 50, ABS 4*), 2023, 52(7)

    4. Haifeng Xu*, Tuan Q. Phan, and Bernard C.Y. Tan, “Why are People Addicted to SNS? Understanding the Role of SNS Characteristics in the Formation of SNS Addiction”, Journal of the Association for Information Systems (ABS 4*), 2022, 23(3), 806-837.

    5. Jiaoyang Li, Lingxiao Zhou, Yi Zhan, Haifeng Xu, Cheng Zhang*, Fei Shan, and Lei liu, “How does the AI-based Image-assist Technique Help Physicians in Diagnosis of Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma? A Random Controlled Experiment of Multi-Center Physicians in China”, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 2022, 29(12), 2041-2049.

    6. Fei Wang, Haifeng Xu*, Ronglin Hou, and Zhen Zhu, “Designing Marketing Content for Social Commerce to Drive Consumer Purchase Behaviors: A Perspective from Speech Act Theory”, Journal of Retailing and Customer Services, 2023, 70, 103156.


    上海市浦江人才计划C类, 基于大数据的电子商务直播带货研究, 2021-2024, 15万元, 主持

  • 数据采集与可视化(本科生课程,中文和英文各一个班)


