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Ningyu TANG
- Department:Organization Management
- Phone:+86 (0)21 52301524
- Title:Professor
- Email:nytang@sjtu.edu.cn
Ningyu Tang got her Master degree in Psychology from East China Normal University and PhD degree in Management from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). She joined SJTU right after she got her master degree and currently she is a tenured professor at Antai College of Economics and Management and the vice director of Research Institute of Psychology and Behavioral Science, SJTU. She was visiting scholar of Cornell University, Columbia University and MIT. Her recent research interests are generational values, inclusive leadership and management. Her research works have appeared on Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Business Ethics, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Journal of Happiness Studies etc. She is PI for several projects sponsored by National Science Foundation of China, including the key project “New Generation and HR Diversity Management”. She was awarded Shanghai Shu Guang Scholar and Outstanding Young Faculty by Shanghai Bureau of Education in 2008. In her career life, she got research awards from National Bureau of Personnel, Shanghai Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science and the Ministry of Education. She severs as the vice general director of Shanghai Psychology Society. She is also a member of Education Steering Committee of Business and Management of MOE.
Human Resource Management, Organisational Behaviour,
Academic Papers
Hou Zhi Lin; Tang Ning Yu, The suitability of traditional leadership for new generation staff :a research framework, Oct 22, 2012
Huang Meng Qi; Tang Ning Yu, The review and outlook on the study of cultural intelligence and organizational cultural intelligence, Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities, Natural Science Edition
Liu Wen Jing; Tang Ning Yu, An Exploratory Study on Leadership Spontaneous Heritage, Shanghai Management Science, Aug 20, 2012
Pang Shu Yi; Zheng Xing Shan; Tang Ning Yu, The non-linear effect of empowering leadership behavior on employee performance, Journal of Southwest University for Nationalitie , Natural Science Edition
"Zheng Xing Shan; Zhen Shan Shan; Tang Ning Yu, Employee Proactive Personality and Medium Perception of Stock - Proportion of Stockholding as Moderator, Shanghai Management Science, Oct 20, 2012
Zheng Xing Shan; Zhen Shan Shan; Tang Ning Yu, Impacts of Recognition of Stock as Medium on Employees’Job Satisfaction: A Study of Psychological Empowerment as Mediator, Chinese Journal of Management
Zheng, XS (Zheng, Xingshan); Diaz, I (Diaz, Ismael); Tang, NY (Tang, Ningyu); Tang, KS (Tang, Kongshun), Job insecurity and job satisfaction The interactively moderating effects of optimism and person-supervisor deep-level similarity, Career Development International, 2014
Chen, JQ (Chen, Jingqiu); Tang, TLP (Tang, Thomas Li-Ping); Tang, NY (Tang, Ningyu), Temptation, Monetary Intelligence (Love of Money), and Environmental Context on Unethical Intentions and Cheating, Journal of Business Ethics, 2014
Shen, J (Shen, Jie); Tang, NY (Tang, Ningyu); D'Netto, B (D'Netto, Brian), A multilevel analysis of the effects of HR diversity management on employee knowledge sharing: the case of Chinese employees, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2014
CHEN Jing-Qiu; TANG Ning-Yu; WANG Fang-Hua; Hsee; C.K, From Hedonomics to Harmonious Consumption, Advances in Psychological Science, 2010, (07)
Li Yijing Tang Ningyu. Cross-Culture Competence of Expatriates: Theory and Modeling Review, Chinese Journal of Management, 2010, (06)
Liu Bang-cheng; Tang Ning-yu; Jiang Hong-ling; Wu Bing, Strategic Human Resource Management Practices and Organisational Innovation: Knowledge Management Perspectives, Science & Technology Progress and Policy, 2009, (03)
Tang Ningyu; Zheng Xingshan; Zhang Jingshu; Fu Jia, Cultural Intelligence: Its Construct and Criterion-related Validity, Psychological Science, 2010, (02)
Tang Ningyu, To improve team's multi-cultural competence, PKU Business Review
Chen Yi; Tang Ningyu, Work values of the new generation employees: from a postmodernism perspective, Shanghai Management Science
Zhang Junya; Tang Ningyu, Concept and Practice of Diversity Management: A Case Study of Three Multinational IT Companies, East China Economic Management, Vol.28, No.8, Aug 2014
Tang Ningyu; Zhuang Chen; Huang Mengqi, Coordination in Cross-Cultural Teams: A Multi-Case Study, Human Resources Development of China, 2014